Friday, June 6, 2014

The Wrong God

FFF: 5 verses of 4 lines each
Photo and prompt provided by:

The Wrong God

I kneel at the foot of my heart,
small and unable to move it -
even naked, I cannot make it feel
my old wicked temptation.

I pull at my hair, bite my own lips,
to feel the pain and taste the blood,
but despite the desperation
my skin and mind are numb.

I pray at the alter of my own desire
willing it to enter my body--
honey-slow and thick like cream--
my offerings continually inadequate.

I stand and turn to leave, head hung
low in fear and disappointment,
terrified I cannot coax to the surface
and understanding of my own devotion.

I look upward and inward, searching,
listening to the point of pain,
for any request I can fulfill,
suddenly realizing...I'm praying to the wrong god.


  1. Wow..that was realization.
    I found it beautiful.

  2. This one was actually hard for me...I don't know why.
